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October 03, 2017 2 min read

OnMyWhey launches patented supplement keychain bottle for on-the-go nutrition

For Immediate Release

NEW YORK, November 21, 2017 – The team behind Sriracha2Go, the Mark Cuban backed Sriracha company, launches OnMyWhey®, a fitness brand featuring the OnMyWhey supplement keychain bottle with a patented dual-cap design for on-the-go nutrition.

The OnMyWhey supplement keychain bottle enables fitness and nutrition enthusiasts to get the fuel they’re looking for quickly, easily and conveniently before, during and after workouts. With the patented dual-cap system, the bottom cap removes to create a scoop with the barrel of the container, while the top cap, engineered to fit inside a water bottle,  acts as a funnel to release the supplement for use.  

“Consumers are looking to fuel immediately before and after workouts to replenish glycogen levels and help the body repair muscle tissue.  Up until this point, with few on-the-go fueling solutions, many have struggled with the best way to do so,” said Kyle Lewis, Co-Founder. “Our patented dual cap design enables users to fill, store, and release supplements quickly, easily and mess-free,” Lewis added.

The OnMyWhey team is just getting started. “We’re excited to reveal future product launches which will kick off late 2017 with our double-scoop and pre-workout bottles, as well as designs to allow consumers to customize their experience,” said Kayvon Pourmirzaie, Co-Founder.  

In addition to product development, OnMyWhey plans to solidify retail relationships as well as expand their co-branding strategy.  “Our goal is to partner hand in hand with fitness retailers and influencers as well as nutrition brands so that OnMyWhey is available wherever customers are shopping for their go-to supplements,” said Farbod Deylamian, Co-Founder. “Additionally, we’re excited about the interest we’ve garnered from top fitness and nutrition brands and influencers and are exploring many exciting partnerships.” Deylamian added.

About OnMyWhey® 

OnMyWhey is a fitness brand whose supplement keychain bottle features a patented dual-cap design for seamless on-the-go nutrition. The OnMyWhey miniature bottle is designed to quickly and conveniently fill, store and use supplements anywhere, anytime. Learn more at www.onmywhey.com.

For additional information, contact:
Michelle Augustine
Email: hello@onmywhey.com

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